Work With Me

Welcome to Raleigh Family Adventure! I’m thrilled you’re here and interested in working together. As a dedicated family lifestyle blogger with a passion for exploring the Triangle area, I love sharing the best kid-friendly activities, events, and local gems with my audience.

About Raleigh Family Adventure

Raleigh Family Adventure is a trusted resource for parents and families in the Raleigh-Durham area, offering insights into local events, activities, and family fun. Whether it’s discovering hidden playgrounds, attending community festivals, or sharing tips for weekend outings, my goal is to help families create unforgettable memories together. Read more about me and my family here.

How We Can Collaborate

I’m open to various types of partnerships that align with my mission of promoting family fun and local adventures. Here are some ways we can work together:

1. Newsletter Sponsorship

Reach a highly engaged audience directly in their inbox by sponsoring my newsletter. The “Raleigh Family Adventure” newsletter is sent weekly to a growing list of local parents who are actively seeking fun and family-friendly activities in the Raleigh-Durham area.

What You Get:

  • Feature Placement: Your brand or product will be prominently featured in the newsletter, with a dedicated section that includes your logo, a brief description, and a link to your website or special offer.
  • Custom Content: I can create tailored content that seamlessly integrates your brand with the topics and themes my audience loves, ensuring your message is both relevant and compelling.
  • Call to Action: Encourage my readers to take action with a direct and compelling call to action (CTA) that drives traffic to your site or specific promotion.
  • Analytics Report: Receive a detailed report on the newsletter’s performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics, so you can see the impact of your sponsorship.

Why Sponsor My Newsletter?

  • Targeted Audience: Your message will be delivered directly to parents in the Triangle area who are interested in local events, activities, and family-oriented products.
  • High Engagement: My subscribers are highly engaged, regularly opening and interacting with the content in each issue.
  • Exclusive Opportunity: As a sponsor, you’ll have a unique opportunity to connect with local families in a personal and meaningful way.

If you’re interested in sponsoring an upcoming newsletter, please reach out to discuss availability and pricing. I’d love to work with you to create a sponsorship package that aligns with your goals.

2. Sponsored Content

Promote your brand or service through engaging blog posts, social media campaigns, or newsletters. I create authentic, family-oriented content that resonates with my audience.

3. Event Coverage

If you’re hosting a family-friendly event in Raleigh or the surrounding area, I can attend and provide coverage through blog posts, social media, and live updates to generate buzz.

4. Giveaways

Increase your brand’s visibility and engagement by hosting a giveaway on my blog or social media channels. It’s a fun way to get your products or services in front of an engaged audience.

My Audience

  • Primary Audience: Parents of young children (ages 0-12) in the Raleigh-Durham area.
  • Reach: Active followers across my Instagram, blog, Facebook page, and Facebook group, all of whom are passionate about family fun and local activities.
  • Engagement: High engagement rates, with readers actively seeking recommendations and advice on local events, activities, and family-friendly products.

I’m happy to provide my Media Kit upon request.

Why Partner With Me?

  • Local Expertise: I live and breathe Raleigh-Durham family life, with a deep understanding of what families in the area are looking for.
  • Authentic Content: I pride myself on creating genuine, relatable content that resonates with my audience and builds trust.
  • Targeted Reach: My followers are your target market—local parents who are eager to discover new experiences and products for their families.

Let’s Connect

I would love to hear more about your brand and discuss how we can work together. If you’re interested in any of the collaboration opportunities mentioned or have another idea in mind, please reach out!

Thank you for considering a partnership with Raleigh Family Adventure. I look forward to creating something amazing together!

📧 You can reach me here: [email protected]